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The BioWC
An off - grid toilet 

BioWC ilustration

The simplicity, design and functionality of the BioWC toilet system, allow us to connect it to the Biodigester system and thus spare the need to use a septic tank or dry compost toilet, two of the most popular toilet systems when living off the grid.

By switching to our system, you will not only avoid the complicated installation of a septic tank system or the maintenance of the dry compost toilet, you will also get to cook from the Biogas and to enrich your garden with a high level liquid fertilizer, both are the products from the process.

List of materials needed for BioWC installation

To complete the BioWC installation in some of the cases (depending on different factors regarding your property's condition and structure & the final placement of the biodigester*) you will need some materials that are not included in the provided kit. The different material are listed below.

Plus, in a remote farm where usually there is no connection to water you will need to place a bucket /container as the water source for flushing the toilet. 

**If you are not sure of what materials you will need and would like to consult your particular situation - please contact us and we will help.

BioWC toilet

Did you know?

The BioWC toilet system consumes only 1.2 liters of water per flush instead of a normal toilet system that consumes 6 - 9 liters per flush.

In addition, our system can use gray water system for flushing the toilets, thus saving the use of clean water and complicated installation. 

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